The Spirited Body - Episode 1 - Loneliness


S1 Episode 1 · Loneliness

Loneliness is an experience most of us will have or have had in our lives. My spirit guides talk about what loneliness can tell us and how we can view to make our experience here better. Tangents include coming out, loneliness in relationships and coming into authenticity. Read the full channel here.

The Spirited Body - Episode 2 - Creation


S1 Episode 2 · Creation

Creation can be an opening that calls all of us to connect on a higher level. How are you consciously creating for this. Read the full channel here.

The Spirited Body - Episode 3 - Manifestation


S1 Episode 3 · Manifestation

Here is a big, popular topic. My guides give us a different take on it than most people are used to and help us view it in a different way. Read the full channel here.

Episode 4 - Intuition


S1 Episode 4 · Intuition

Everyone has it, but what is it? My guides talk to us about intuition while Katie and I discuss marriage and 'The Ultimatum' - because they so go together. Read the full channel here.

Episode 5 - The Purpose of Life


S1 Episode 5 · The Purpose of Life

Listen to my guides talk about the purpose of life - not to be confused with the meaning of life. Why do we want to know? It is important? Let my guides help you understand. Read the full channel here.

Episode 6 - Forgiveness


S1 Episode 6 · Forgiveness

In this personal episode, my guides talk to me and everyone about forgiveness. They provide a definition of forgiveness that is different than the standard understanding and bring it all back to our understanding of self. Read the full channel here.

Episode 7 - Connection


S1 Episode 7 · Connection

Being an introvert makes being with others difficult. Being with others in general can be unbearable at times. My guides teach us about the importance of creating a connection to others - why it's important, how can we do it more easily and with less fear. Read the full channel here.


S1 Episode 8 · Connection to Your Soul

My guides talk to us about the importance and ramifications of connecting to our soul as a way to better navigate our lives and have a more balanced experience on earth. Read the full channel here.

Episode 9 - Mistakes


S1 Episode 9 · Mistakes

My guides always say there are not mistakes but what does that mean? How can that be? If they aren't real, then what are those experiences about? My guides give us a better understanding of how we think and behave and what leads to our interpretations of mistakes. Read the full channel here.

Episode 10 - Time to Practice


S1 Episode 10 · Time to Practice

My guides always say there are not mistakes but what does that mean? How can that be? If they aren't real, then what are those experiences about? My guides give us a better understanding of how we think and behave and what leads to our interpretations of mistakes. Read the full channel here.